Sunday, July 26, 2009

Yeah, finally catch up with my practise!!!

Hooray! Finally! Lastly! Whateva "ly", I am almost complete to update my looonnngg outstanding postsssssss. Huh~ syiok!
Today supposed to go for Ayer Hitem trekking. When I woke up by 4.30am, i feel headache and whole body is painful. Then I lay on my bed till 5am... still figuring should keep going or continue to sleep? Hmmm~ struggling so hard and at last I give up this trip. No point to force myself to pretend to enjoy while I'm really sick. SMS to Chen to tell her that I can't make it. Then, she's just so cute. She said: Aiya, why not headache yesterday or tomorrow? Why must now????. Yeah hor, i neva thought that headache also can be predicted one wor.. Then, i aksed myself: WEI, y u dowan to headache last night or tomorrow ar? Y today ar? U reli don like me go trekking mei?. Without second thought, I reswitch on my air-cond to continue sleeping. Then, another 30 mins, I heard raining outside! Hahahahaha~ my body lurve me so much b'coz she already can predict it's going to rain in another 30 mins so don go and continue to sleep!

Woke up by 9.30am by sister! Aih~ body seems like okay now. Having my tasty vanilla shake this morning then start to update my loong pending list. Thanks god, I spent 7 hours to update all my outstanding list. Feel great! I'm very close to my new practise - Today thing Today Do. I still pending one post coz those photos are with my sister. My mom's birthday @ Grill crab. Stay tune...

Okay la, bro is waiting since morning to use my pc. Nah~ your turn la! Don't bising bising behind me la. :P

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