This is ad-hoc dinner that my lovely GSE friends proposed. At first, we thought to move to Puchong the place where I usually hang around to have something different to enlighten our year end. But, ended up we are just too lazy to drive all the way from Kota Kemuning to Puchong then from Puchong back to Klang. Bear with our laziness, sorry!
Then Ms Lim strongly recommend us to try this Hing Ket Grill House where located at Kampung Jawa, Klang. Hmm.. I tried once before with my family, somehow the taste was actually not as good as how my sister Angel described lo.. So, I voted not to return for 2nd time that day already. We have 5 going together. Except Ms Lim and I, others never try this restaurant before. All right, for the sake of them, I decided to sacrifice one more time on my tongue and wallet. If this time they still disappoint me then I swear I won't go back again for the 3rd time regardless how much good review I heard =_="
Every time I have grill stuff, coconut is a must for me!
"Yam" fried mee.
Taste like hokkien mee mixed with YAM - Not bad
Grilled sotong - Damn Good! I lurve the sotong head :P
Asam fish - Good to eat with rice
Leong tak sabar to have one bowl of white rice with this
Lala fried meehon - BEST!
"Fuyu" vege - Normal
Grilled crab - Not as big as I had in Tasty Pot but taste GOOD
Grilled fish - Nice
Grilled lamb - very GOOD
Grilled Prawn - Voted the BEST!
Grilled fish - GOOD
The most geng chow "posting" man in GSE - Eric!
He is damn miang in this pic, right? LOL
Yin Wuen - our newly joined member
Very young and cute!
Leong - paiseh to act cute at beginning
let's see what he did after he warmed up
let's scroll down
See! See! See!
What he did???
His gf making noise after seeing this pic, :P
Ms Lim and I
Wei, don't curi curi poking your head over my prawn!!
Group picture!
wtf, taken by the chef and waitress there still can't find one that I like
When I on the way home, I can feel that my throat is slowly to protest >.<
Result of Mega dosage of grilled stuff tonight.... sigh
I quickly make a cup of thick hot honey and pouring hao fong san as much as I can
Cis~ dunno how many kilos I put on *guilty* @~@
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