Holiday is end liao... Returning back to reality like a walking corpse =_="
Repeating the cycle of my life now. When is the end for me T_T
Hou lan sian ar. Feel like wanted to say more about my company today.
I joined this company on mid year of 2007 then left on mid year of 2008. Doing my part time business since then onwards. Rejoined back the company on Dec 2008. Why? Since I decided to leave then why I chose to return back? I think the main reason is purely I like the company! I like the colleagues! I like the comfy environment! I like the boss! Be more precise is I like the way both of my bosses treat me! But, I never like the job I do. However, I'm very clear that they are buying my service so I must perform no matter how. Hence, I started again my 9 to 6 life even though I'm not true happy. I always wanted to leave but very ngum sek dak for this lovely couple of nice bosses and lovely colleagues. Afraid that they can't find a very loyal staff like me :P
I think I'm quite famous in my company :D! I'm not cakap besar here ar, Of course there must be a reason behind to support my statement then only I dare to say ma.. But, I never realize that the level of popularity is far more geng chow beyond my awareness. They always remember me when they are working overseas by buying me some pretty nice stuff. I had received countless of souvenirs but never take down a single photo to share with you. I'm so touched by these 2 staffs today. Let me tell you more!
Even though I have many but I like to keep them in the office. Just to display on my workstation.. To show off la. Don't envy ya! LOL.
This is from YY. He traveled to Korea last month with his lovely wife!
Awwww.. this money printed key chain reminding my life in Korea.
I'm the first to choose among others :p
Thanks YY!
Today, there is another 2 sub-contractors Ridhwan and Zainie just back from Indonesia!
And they bought me these 2 useful stuffs! Again, I'm the first receiver, yippy!
I'm so touched not because of I have the gift but because of they are "poor" but still remembering me when they are overseas and get something for me!
Werkudara in Indonesian means HERO!
Thanks Ridhwan!
Jakarta printed baby-T
Fit nicely on me :)))
Thanks Zainie!
But, thing doesn't goes well lately because of the new comer-C. Everything that I do all this while seems wrong with C. Boss started to protect C unreasonable. This made my heart so pain. This has stopped me to keep thinking for the company. This has against my initial purpose to rejoined back the company. Maybe this is the signal from GOD. He is directing me to the path I should walk this year. Maybe it has comes to an end... Maybe is time to say GOODBYE. I'm tired to bear with your hypocritical faces. It's unbearable anymore to me.... C, I'll be leaving soon and let you to conquer the whole world as you like! Get lost, bitch!
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